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So, I’m writing a book!

It’s not your normal book, but it’s a book of our life from 2000 through today.  I’m currently at Tom’s first birthday and on page 35 of a 13 x 11 book, so I think this is going to end up costing us a fortune!

I asked John : “What else happened in 2003?  I can’t think of anything!” …. to which he replied : ” My Dad died and we got married”.  *thud*.  Oh yes.  That.  Well, I’m useless!

On that note, over and out!  I’m going to try and get some new pictures up soon… promise!

So, I have a website.   “Another one?”, I hear you cry!  Well, yes… and the last one for a good while!

The Painted Treehouse

This is my online gallery and it has a page for my paintings and my photography and my other ‘stuff’.   At the moment the only link that is working is to the photography site, but please check it out and let me know what you think!   I’ve been waiting for about four years for John to build me a website and he has just been too busy, so I went here : and learned how to do it myself.

It’s been a lot of work and a lot of fun and I’m no where near finished, but I am very happy that I’m doing it all ON MY OWN!  I love the flashy ‘flash’ photography sites, but you know what?  I made this one myself and it means sooo much.

Anyway.  I have a photo session with a family at the park on Friday and a bunch more to schedule in for the next couple of weeks to build up my portfolio.   I’m terrified, but watch this space for updates!

… so here we go.

What’s new?   Well, first of all, I’m going to link to John’s Blog here.   He’s started writing about the Accident and being the “Orchid Thief” etc. etc., and it’s actually very moving so I wanted to share.

Next.  Well, on Monday I finally got John to the Dentists for the first time in years.  He’s soooo scared of the place, poor thing.  Anyway, two Zanax and he had no recollection of leaving the house, let alone getting to the Dentists, which was amusing in itself!  They tried to save the tooth, but it was too far gone and he ended up getting it extracted.  Oh well… it was worth a try.

On Thursday I went back to Immigration Court and had it continued again until January 29th, 2009.   Going to be waiting on this forever, methinks.

Anyway, that’s about it really.  Life is plodding along….

I’ll update more when I can.  Oh, and the galleries to the left aren’t working right now as I quit paying the $15.00 a month to GoDaddy for the hosting, so I’ll try and sort something else out for that later.

Edit :  I had this picture linked to another blog post that I deleted…. and I love the picture so you’re getting it here instead…

Mr. Tom ...
Mr. Tom …

… and John got me a kitten


So, yesterday Tom and I did our belt testing.   It’s really very cool as we’re both the same belt colours and doing the same curriculum each testing cycle.   I spent quite a bit of time in the back yard with Tom this time working on Tan-Gun (video here : ) …

Anyway… we both did really well and we both got A’s!  Yay!!   We are now, officially, Green Belts.   I’m looking forward to the next testing in two months when I’ll get my purple belt.  Green really isn’t my colour!

Here’s a couple of photos of Mr. Tom during his testing…


So, yesterday Alex turned three….

Stop growing up so fast, kid! Ahhh….

Anyway, it was a great day. Alex had a blast and so did everyone else. At the end of the day we were sitting in the living room when Alex picked up his Boo-Boo Bankie and took it to bed and closed the door and went to sleep. He was sooo tired.

I’ll post a couple of pictures here and the full gallery to in the link on the right. I also have a recommendation to make. Piclens. It’s lovely! You can view the gallery without it, but it looks soooo much better with it and I am going to use it for all my galleries from now on because like I said…. I love it.

Enjoy and Happy Birthday, Aggapuff!

We will be getting this printed out at 16″ x 20″ and putting it on the wall, because we both love it.   No matter how much my boys yell at each other and fight, you only have to look at these pictures and see how much they love each other.   I should have posted the one where Alex is laughing and Tom is crying (just after the “biting” picture) for a little more reality!

I got a great shot of Alex in the back garden today…. and I then started playing with it.

You like??

So, today we have a fire.

I’m driving home from taking Tom to Karate and I notice this really cool looking cloud. Only it’s not a cloud. It registers that this cloud has a starting point and it looks really close. It turns out it’s actually about 20 miles away, but as you can see from the picture, you wouldn’t know it.

It was 40 acres at 2.30pm this afternoon and within two hours it’s grown to 600 acres, of which 0% is contained. Lovely jubbly. It’s insanely dry right now and today it’s really windy, which is not what you need when there’s a fire.

Anyway. Here’s a snapshot from the front yard.

On the plus side, the weather forecast says we have a 30% chance of rain tomorrow and a 40% chance of rain for Friday. Cross everything, people!

So, if you go to …. you will get to my homepage which links straight to here! It’s the only way to do it and incorporate the new galleries …. in the menu on the right.

I have a whole bunch of new pictures that will be going up there soon along with the “May 2008” one which is the most recent. Yes, I also finally got the St. Augustine pictures up!

Here are some of my favourites.