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Okay, so I know it’s a day early, but both boys had Valentine’s Day Parties today so I’m just running with it!

I was going to get a picture of Tom with a flower he brought me from school, but he’s currently undergoing a “Candy Meltdown” in his bedroom…. argh!

So, here’s the pictures I got of Mr. Xander this morning…

Later edit :
So, Tom calmed down and I went to get some pictures of him with his “Crustatean” he got this morning at school.  It doesn’t matter how many times we tell him : “Tom, it’s a CARNATION”, he just can’t get it changed in his head…. ha!

Anyway… he said to me : “You know Mum, they sometimes hold flowers like this!” … and here’s the picture.

If you look really closely… in the front there.. there is one tooth sticking up a little further than the rest!  Yes, his first loose tooth!  Watch this space, for soon there will be one!!!!

I finally had to give in and format my computer.  I HATE doing this because I am guaranteed to lose stuff no matter how hard I try not to.

All my pictures… all 200 odd gigs of them are burned onto DVD.  Double checked and fine.  I got all my favorites etc. etc. also and then went through my Adobe Photoshop and saved all my stuff from there onto my Desktop before formatting.  Yes.  My Desktop.  They never made it onto DVD.  Gaaaah!  So, the next week or so I’m going to be trawling various sites downloading fonts and actions etc. etc.   It’s not the end of the world, it’s just a monumental pain.

However, on the plus side my computer is all clean and sparkling new again!  It’s fast and nippy like a smart car compared to the slow, trudging tank it had become.

I’ve only had the computer 8 months, so I’m going to try and be nicer to it this time around and keep it clean and zippy!

I went to Michaels to get a Picture Frame for my 30 x 30 picture below, and they wanted, with the 60% discount they are currently offering, $160 minimum. What?! How much? For four pieces of wood and some glass?

So, I made one myself for $60! Hah!

Here you go. I’m very proud of myself! I had some assistance from my husband with regards to cutting and holding corners together (very much a two person job), but I did so much of it myself!

Oh, excuse the picture quality, it was taken at night with no flash so I didn’t get a glare on the picture. Purely for reference only!

So, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, or just… Happy Holidays to my faithful reader(s?) …. hah!

I took a couple of shots of Alexander peering out the window this morning that I thought I’d share….

So, we have a new website and a new blog!

It’s been soooo much work, but so worth it, I think!  I’ve managed to lose a post or two from the blog, which doesn’t exactly make me happy, but at least I didn’t lose it all, which was on the cards there for a while!

Hmm… so what did we lose?

Oh…. textures.  I discovered Textures.   I discovered that whilst I thought I didn’t like textures, I actually LOVE textures… ha!  I’ve been having so much fun with them!

One of my first attempts at using textures made Flickr’s Front Page Explore (What is Flickr Explore?).  Not only made Front Page, but made Number 2!  And with no further ado, here’s the picture that made it there….

I’ve been doing a lot of work with textures lately, so here are some of what I’ve done…

Oh.. and just for fun …

If I’m not back again before…. Happy Christmas folks!!!!

My best-friend, my soul-mate, my biggest advocate, my husband.

I love you, Sweetheart…

I’ve been taking pictures for a while now, and I’ve been focusing a lot on what is “technically” correct.  I think it’s a process everyone has to go through in order to learn what works and what doesn’t… but at the end of the day Photography isn’t just about being able to use your camera, it’s about creating art; at least that’s what it’s all about for ME.

Today I had an epiphany.   I received my wireless flash trigger so I got to play outside in the back yard with the boys.  Well, mostly with Tom as Alex kept running away.  What a surprise, eh?!

When I finished I realised that I’d FINALLY let go and it just started flowing for me.   It was like when I painted the painting of John and I zoned out and before I knew it I’d painted one of my favourite paintings…. and I couldn’t remember doing half of it… haha!

Anyway, here’s what I got.

So, last year I started knitting a pair of trousers for Alex, but Mum thought I was crazy, so I kind of stopped.   I finally was inspired by a friend who knitted some for her son to finish them.

Not sure he will ever wear them out, but they’re really comfy for him to wear around the house, and they look cute too!   I might have to make him a hat to go with it and then take some more pictures!

My kids went to a Halloween Party this morning, and it was so much fun!  I also had a chance to practice bouncing my flash and I’m very happy with the results.

Here you go!


So, yesterday the kids were outside playing in the paddling pool!  It was fun and everyone got a soaking!

Here are the pics!

When did he get so big???!!